Ayutthaya Antique Leng Phra Ngan 古董靓拍婴

There is alot of misconception about Phra Ngan due to certain merchants teaching evils and wrong methods of worship.One example of this is using the blood in female sanitary pads for worship.

These are wrong and disrespectful towards Phra ngan.
We believe and are taught by our Masters that Phra Ngan used to be a Buddha. Being a Buddha, there are lots of restrictions. Especially when it comes to Karma, nobody can avoid.Phra Ngan is willing to bring down his status to a Deity to help those who really need help regardless of what they did in their previous lives.
Alot of people or merchants taught people praying thru the unorthordox ways to achieved what they want in lives.. Who will reside in a "Stained Shell"? Not to mention Buddha or Deity.

这些都是错误和对神不敬的。我们相信和被多位师傅教导拍婴本事佛。可是为佛会有很多禁忌。特别是在因果循环上,难以避免。拍婴甘愿 成为仙来帮助众生不去理会他们上辈子的过去。很多人或商家教导一些不正确的邪门方式来供奉得到他们所要的。想想有谁会喜欢在一个不干净的躯体里就不要说是佛或仙了
The correct method of worship and Katha would improve the connection between you and Phra Ngan which would enable you to ask for help & assistance from him.

Details:This Phra Ngan Is believe to be good for:

招财开运 :Brings you great luck
赌运/偏财运:Gambling luck (4D,TOTO,Casino)
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Oppurtunities
添福聚财:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Fortune/Wealth
事业顺利:Smooth Career
提升人缘:Improve Metta
提升第六感:Improve Six sense
得到众人尊重:Repect and Authority 
成愿/做事:Wish Granting/Do Things

Proper Method Of Use & Katha Would be Taught


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