LP Cher Biagae Early Batch Sliver Cased 龙坡智早期制作银壳转运贝壳 Biagae Protect Against Evil Against Evil Eye Against Dangers Spells Clear Bad Luck Brings All Good Energies to you 幸运贝壳避开邪恶避开嫉妒你的人避开危险降头清楚坏运气带来好运气磁场

Made Bless Empowered By LP Cher
龙坡智 开光制作加磁
Wat Kang Bang Kiew

What is BiaGae? 
Bia means money and Gae means to solve. I am sure many would know that in ancient times they don’t trade with currency notes like now but with gold, silver and etc. Shell too is used as some form of monetary exchange. 
Commony known as an amulet that helps avert danger, black magic or sorcery or Evil Spirits. From enhancing a persons luck to making holy water to getting rid of bad energies. Its Wealth & Prosperities Effect is Wonderious.

Suitable for those experiencing extreme bad luck hardships.
Able to place into bucket to make bathing holy water to cleanse bad energies from you .

Details:This is believed to be good for:

招财开运 :Brings you great luck
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Oppurtunities/More Sales
添福聚财:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Fortune/Wealth
事业顺利:Smooth Career
提升人缘:Improve Metta
提升第六感:Improve Six sense
驱走霉运不良磁场:Get rid of bad energies & Bad Luck
保护你不会中降头:Protects you against spells & black magic
防止冤魂或恶灵作祟:Protects you against evil spirits 
防止嫉妒你的人害你:Protects against evil eye

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