Luang Phor Pinak Duang Ta Lucky Eye Wealth Prosperity Business Great Luck 龙坡碧纳 幸运之眼 让你做事顺利 财运亨通

Only Piece

Luang Phor Pinak was born in 1903 at Udon Thani. His full name is Tawai Hansak Likit. He loved learning Buddhism and magic thus he started his monk live when 9 in a famous temple called Wat Nang Tai. When the time, the abbot of Wat Nang Tai is Luang Phor Xing. In 1938, Luang Phor Pinak received the education from another two famous monks - Luang Phor Mang and Luang Phor Fang. In 1941 during war times, Luang Phor Pinak left Thailand and went to Burma, Lao, Cambodia and India. In 1943, Luang Phor Pinak built his first temple - Wat Tam Kiao at the Southern Thailand - Nakon Si Thamarat. After that, he set up another 3 temples - Wat Tam Thakuei in Petchboon, Wat Kao Nakerd at Nakon Nayot, and Wat Shenom Lau at Saraburi. When the time, Luang Phor Pinak was very famous in Thailand as there were such a great number of miracles from his handmade amulets. A great number of people got extremely rich after wearing his amulets thus the price of his amulets were gone up gradually in the amulets market, especially the Star Mark version.

In 2002, Luang Phor Pinak pass away. In his last wish, his body cannot be burnt, cannot be antiseptic, cannot be obsequies, cannot spread out his pass away to the public high profile, body had to keep in meditation style and placed into the chedi of temple. 10 years later (2012), his body had to be placed in the main hall of temple. After that miracles start to manafest. Now, Wat Shenom Lau in Saraburi had been honour by King Rama IX as Wat Luang (it means this temple is under the jurisdiction  of Kingdom of Thailand. In fact, Wat Shenom Lau was built in the period of Ayuthaya (around 800 years ago), after that it was rusted until Luang Phor Pinak discovered it and rebuilt it in the year 1974.

 Sarira Monk Luang Phor Pinak 

Details:This is believed to be good for:

意外之财:Unexpected Fortune Luck
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
事业顺利:Smooth Career 
工作上升职加薪: Climb Up The Corporate ladder 
让人对您有好感 :Give Good Impression To Others 
助寻找适合工作: Help Find A Suitable Job
得到众人尊重:Respect and Authority
让人信任你: Gain Trust From Others
让您有更好的远见:Good Foresight
解决难题:Solve Problems
让下属服从: Let Subordinates Listen To You 
提升自信:Boost Self Confidence/Self Esteem
提升人缘:Improve Metta
提升性魅力:Improve appeal
不再被人欺负:Never Be Bullied By Other Again
成为众人瞩目焦点:Be The Most Popular One 
帮助你结识喜欢的对象:Help You Know That Someone Special
让人更加听话:Sweet Talking (People Tend To Listen To You)
在夜间场所让你容易结交同性/异性朋友:Helps You Know More People At Night Spots
避开危险煞气:Avoid Dangers/Harm 
带来财运提升销售成绩:Increase Sales Volumes

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看看善信请了我们佛牌后横财就手回应:Unexpected Fortunes Feedbacks After Inviting Our Amulets 

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