Passionate Love Deang Duut Taang Har Khumahphahn Great Charisma Passionate Love Mesmerising Desire Attraction Metta

Made Blessed Empowered By LP Phimya

Special Wahn (Herbs) Added (Wahn Dok Tong) , (Wahn Saney Jhan) & Many Other Mixture Of Charming Herb Powders Etc .

Powerful Passionate Love Charm Do Not Us To Toy With Feelings

Details:This is believed to be good for:

意外之财:Unexpected Fortune Luck
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
事业顺利:Smooth Career
提升自信:Boost Self Confidence/Self Esteem
让感情再次有活力激情:Brings Back Spark Into Relationship
让人对您有好感 :Give Good Impression To Others 
让人更信任您:Let Others Trust You 
帮助结交好友: Get To Know More Friends 
提升人缘:Improve Metta
提升性魅力:Improve Sex appeal
减少吵架: Lessen Quarrels
不再被人欺负:Never Be Bullied By Other Again

成为众人瞩目焦点:Be The Most Popular One 

催眠性魅力: Hypnotic Attraction
让感情更和睦:Solving Disharmony In Relationship
帮助你结识喜欢的对象:Help You Know That Someone Special
让人更加听话:Sweet Talking (People Tend To Listen To You)
在夜间场所让你容易结交同性/异性朋友:Helps You Know More People At Night Spots
帮你迷住你喜欢的人:Helps You Mesmerise That Someone
吸引同异性:Attract same /Opposite Gender

被别人关注到: Get Noticed By Others
成为众人焦点 : Be The Star Of The Party
带来财运提升销售成绩:Increase Sales Volume

看看善信请了我们佛牌后文字回应:Feedbacks Of Users After Inviting Our Amulets In Wording

看看善信请了我们佛牌后横财就手回应:Unexpected Fortunes Feedbacks After Inviting Our Amulets 

Proper Method Of Use & Katha Would be Taught 
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