Luang Phor Suang Famous Khun Paen Wealth Business Windfall Gambling 龙坡宋著名坤平 招财开运 事业生意顺利 横财就手

Luang Phor Suang Devada Leng Din ( Deity On Earth ) 
Made In Year 2519 (1974)
Nur Num Prasit Khom Phan Pi

Amulets blessed by Luang Phor Suang are currently some of the most highly sought after pims on the Thai market. The following account explains the reason for such demand.Essentially the sudden popularity has been driven by a monk who led a solitary and somewhat mysterious life, a monk with an illusive biography, known for his eccentricities but even better known for his amulets which are considered to be highly efficacious and often associated with accounts of extreme luck and fortune. 

His amulets are also believed to be inherently powerful for invulnerability and protection (Kong Grapan.)  and in particular from malevolent forces and accidents. Countless testaments support this widely held belief, with many lives reportedly being spared whilst his amulets were being worn.The most interesting aspect of his amulets is the duality of purpose and multiple blessings, ranging from Chok Laap, luck, wealth  and fortune to Sian Chok or extreme luck in all forms of gambling, depending on the time period of worship. Many of his amulets when reversed can be used as a channel to request guidance, support and help from the spirit of LP Suang 

His first generation Khun Paen and Somdej pims have almost but disappeared from the open market and we would highly recommend acquiring at least one of these amulets if you can.

Details:This is believed to be good for:

招财开运 :Brings you great luck
赌运/偏财运:Gambling luck (4D,TOTO,Casino)
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
投资方面成功(股票,期货,等):Success In Investments (Shares,Forex,Etc)
减轻负载:Lessen Debt 
累积财富:Accumulate Fortune
为您招来顾客:Brings Customers To You 
工作上升职加薪: Climb Up The Corporate ladder 
让人对您有好感 :Give Good Impression To Others 
助寻找适合工作: Help Find A Suitable Job
事业顺利:Smooth Sailing In Career
提升人缘:Improve Metta(Interpersonal Relationship)
让您成为众人焦点 : Become A More Popular Person
让你不受别人欺负 : Never Get Bullied By Others
受人尊重有威严 : Great Respect & Authority 
让人信任你: Gain Trust From Others
提升第六感:Improve Six sense
带来经济上的成功:Financial Success
把恶运变成好运 :Change Of Bad Luck To Good 
解决难题:Solve Problems
远离困境:Avoid Hardship
保护远离危险灾难/Protects Against Dangers & Harm
成愿/做事:Wish Granting/Do Things

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