Ajahn Vee Kumantong Holy Child Of Great Power Wish Granting Problem Solving Fortune Fetching 古曼童金童子高灵力解决难题提升财运事业运达成愿望带来财富

Ajahn Vee Made Bless Empowered

Very High Spiritual Power Please do not ask for anything that causes harm to others

Details:This is believed to be good for:

招财开运 :Brings you great luck
意外之财:Unexpected Fortune Luck
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
投资方面成功(股票,期货,等):Success In Investments (Shares,Forex,Etc)
减轻负载:Lessen Debt 
累积财富:Accumulate Fortune
为您招来顾客:Brings Customers To You 
工作上升职加薪: Climb Up The Corporate ladder 
让人对您有好感 :Give Good Impression To Others 
助寻找适合工作: Help Find A Suitable Job
事业顺利:Smooth Sailing In Career
提升人缘:Improve Metta(Interpersonal Relationship)
让人信任你: Gain Trust From Others
提升第六感:Improve Six sense
带来经济上的成功:Financial Success
解决难题:Solve Problems
远离困境:Avoid Hardship
保护远离危险灾难/Protects Against Dangers & Harm
成愿/做事:Wish Granting/Do Things

看看善信请了我们佛牌后文字回应:Feedbacks Of Users After Inviting Our Amulets In Wording

看看善信请了我们佛牌后横财就手回应:Unexpected Fortunes Feedbacks After Inviting Our Amulets 

Proper Method Of Use & Katha Would be Taught 
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