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LP Kalong Rare Find Phra Lark Nar Tong Sian Nur Tong Dern Nur Chan Nuam BE2550 Wai Kru Batch
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Famous Late Lp Kalong Lersi Tafai Commemorative Of Lersi Sermingprai Year 2551 著名大师龙婆卡隆鲁士牌
Luang Phor Kalong is recognised as one of Thailand's true Guru Monks, practised in the arts of meditation, telepathy and magical incantations.
The reverend, Kalong was born on a Saturday in the second lunar month of 1919 in Klong 7, Pathumthani Province. His mother was from Supanburi Province– she was Luang Phor Niam's younger sister, making Luang Phor Kalong the nephew of Luang Phor Niam of Wat Noi Temple, who incidentally was a senior master of Supanburi Province. It was told that before his birth, Bang, an old man living opposite was fishing in the night saw a Reusi/Lersi holding a young child's hand that walked into the house. Bang was absolutely stunned! He raised his hands and joined his palm in gesture of respect and paid respect with full conviction. He then focussed his mind to make a vow,” If what I saw is real may the child born in this house definitely be a boy. If it is so I will quit my occupation and cease hauling fish forever." Thereafter not long, LP's mother gave birth to LP and named him,"Kalong" – which means “flying crow”. As for Bang, he kept his vow and also kept silence about this matter. Ever since then Bang constantly kept an eye on little Kalong discreetly.
Luang Phor Kalong had an extra tooth in the centre of his upper palate since birth. This tooth has its similarity to Hanuman from the Ramayana epic, which has a mystical crystal fang. LP Kalong was hence perceived by nature, a miraculous monk. It is also why he is also known as Khiew Geow, which means “crystal tooth”.
LP Kalong commented on his amulets:
"The object which I consecrated with my concentrated mind will therefore have the value that will exceed gold. It will eventually be more difficult to come across than jewel." Because of this comment, LP Kalong’s amulets were popular amongst the many followers.
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