Late 111 Year Old LP Saen Kwak Saen Lan Nang Kwak Goddess Of Great Weath Fortune Windfall Business

Late Lp Saen(111 Years Old Master-Famous Disciple Of Legendary Lp Moon)
Wat Bang Nong Jik

Made With Thong Rakang
Holy Temple Bell

Bio Of Lp Saen:
This is Lp Saen (age 111, 2019 C.E.) a highly revered guru monk who is an abbot of Wat Ban Nong Jik, Sisaket province. LP Saen was born on Thursday 10 September 2451 (1908 C.E.) in Sisaket province. In childhood, he was a temple boy at Wat Ban Phong where his elder brother was an abbot before getting ordained as a novice. 

During a novice, LP Saen received educational knowledge from LP Moon (Luangpho Moon, Wat PraSatYer Nuea, Sisaket province) who was a famous guru monk in those days. Not only education, LP Saen also studied mantras in Khmer and Pali with LP Moon until he was good at them. 

At age 21, LP Saen became a monk fully and continued studying with LP Moon and at age 24, resigned to help parents work for a living. 

As a layman, LP Saen did not leave interest in religion. He persuaded his friends to study more mantras in Cambodia where he met many gurus who sharpened his knowledge. After that, LP Saen got ordained again. 

After ordination, LP Saen dedicated himself to dharma and meditation. He went on a pilgrimage in the woods and mountains around Sisaket province. LP Saen used to stay at several temples before people invited him to be an abbot at Wat Ban Nong Jik when he was 97.

A Sacred Amulet For Being Rich , Popular Famous
Nang Kwak Roon SaenLan (Nang Kwak Of Great wealth)
Blessing Ceremony Done on 5th Saturday
(It means 5th of wanning moon and lunar month)
• Sao Har Nar Kae (The old face of 5thSaturday)
• Tao Vessuwan (The guardian of the north)
• Sema Roi Lhoonpha (The great wealth Sema)
• Sema Roi Pheumpoon (The super wealth Sema)
• Tao Orahan (The great wealth turtle)
• Nang Kwak Saen Laan (Nang Kwak The great wealth)
• Sema Maha Saen Niyom (The glory Sema) 

LuangPhors Who Took Part In Blessing Ceremony
• Luang Pu Saen Pasanno, Wat Ban Nongchik
• Luang Por Sawang Panyateepo, Wat Ban Nongchik
• Luang Pu Chan, Nipat ThammaPhonMonastery
• Luang Pu Phan Suphatho, Wat Nong Mang
• Luang Por Roi Kanthasaro, Wat Pa Mahalaap
• Luang Pu Sing PhasukoWat Ban Klang
• Luang Pu Kaew Thammarama, Wat SaphanMaiKhaen
• Luang Pu Ban Suweero, Wat Ban Chot
• Luang Pu Chat, Wat Ban Poon
• Luang Pu Chan, Nipat ThammaPhonMonastery
• Luang Pu Rak Ananyo, Wat SuthawasWipassana
• Ajarn Tao, Wat Suwan
In Thai Legends, Mae Nang Kwak is highly revered as the Goddess of Wealth or Saint of all Merchants.

Mae Nang Kwak is one of the most known Legendary Deities In Thailand that dates back to a time when Buddhism hasn’t reached the Thailand.

The hands of the Charming Mae Nang Kwak is sometimes dubbed “Inviting” as its held up in Beckoning Gesture to call upon Good Luck, Great Fortune and Abundant Wealth to come to her Worshipper. Mae Nang Kwak in Bucha Form is popularly worshipped by Business Owners who own a Shop or have a Place of Business as Mae Nang Kwak has the ability to bring in many Customers and Invite Great Wealth and Commerce.

Mae Nang Kwak Amulets can also be worn by those in the Sales and Trading line to help earn more Commission and Boost Sales and Revenue.

Mae Nang Kwak will also increase One's Luck with Lottery and Bestows Great Metta Maha Niyom (Loving Kindness & Compassion) to the Worshipper, Hence wherever the Wearer of this Amulet goes, They will always Receive Assistance,Obtain Favours without Asking and be showered with Love and Compassion by Others.

Bestows Advantages To Those Who Are In Professional Line Of Work,Business,Trade or Commerce Or Also Those Working In Entertainment Line Of Work & Those Who Relies On Contracts, Tips and Commissions.

This Amulet Can Be Worn By Anyone Without Any Restrictions To Increase Luck Tremendously And To Attract and Draw Wealth from all Directions.
Details:This is believed to be good for:

招财开运 :Brings you great luck
意外之财:Unexpected Fortune Luck
招揽生意/带来生意/商机:Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
投资方面成功(股票,期货,等):Success In Investments (Shares,Forex,Etc)
减轻负债:Reduce Debt
累积财富:Accumulate Fortune
工作上升职加薪: Climb Up The Corporate ladder 
让人对您有好感 :Give Good Impression To Others 
提升自信:Boost Self Confidence/Self Esteem
助寻找适合工作: Help Find A Suitable Job
事业顺利:Smooth Sailing In Career / Business
提升人缘:Improve Metta(Interpersonal Relationship)
得到众人尊重:Gain Respect and Authority
让人信任你: Gain Trust From Others
让下属服从: Let Subordinates Listen To You 
提升第六感:Improve Six sense
让伴侣比较听话:Spouse Listen to you more
解决难题:Solve Problems
远离困境:Avoid Hardship

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