Old School Lanna Cambodian Style Hoon Pa Yong Spiritual Guardian Blessing Protecting In All Aspects

Old School Traditional Lanna Cambodian Style
AJ Kong Made Blessed Empowered
Metal Face Mask
Body Tied With Horns

Details:This is believed to be good for:

给善信带来八方财气:Bestowing Wealth From All 8 Directions
招财开运 : Brings you great luck
意外之财:Unexpected Fortune Luck
让善信生意兴隆 / 提升销售额 / 招来商机 :Improve your business/Attracts Opportunities/More Sales
添福聚财/累计财富:Increase Prosperity/Accumulate Great Fortune/Wealth
保佑善信在投资方面得到成功获利(股票,期货,等):Success In Investments (Shares,Forex,Etc)
保佑善信减轻所负债务:Lessen Debt Owed
多进少出累积财运聚财:Accumulate Fortune
吸引顾客上门:Brings Customers To You 
事业蒸蒸日上升职加薪: Climb Up The Corporate ladder 
让人见你有好感好的印象:Give Good Impression To Others 
保佑你找到适合的好工作: Help Find A Suitable Job
事业顺利:Smooth Sailing In Career
提升人缘:Improve Metta(Interpersonal Relationship)
让你不受别人欺负 : Never Get Bullied By Others
受人尊重有威严 : Great Respect & Authority 
提升你的第六感应:Improve Six sense
带来经济上的成功:Financial Success
远离困境困苦:Avoid Hardship
把恶运变成好运 :Change Of Bad Luck To Good 
解决财务难题:Solve Financial Problems
保护远离危险灾难/Protects Against Dangers & Harm
带来财运提升销售成绩:Increase Sales Volumes
提防小人:Away From Problem Makers/Hypocrites
让人尊重你让你更有威严:Authority & Respect from people
驱走负面磁场/危险:Get Rid Of Negative Aura/Energies/Dangers
替身:May All Bad Things Taken Over By The Hoon Pa Yong 
解决难题:Solve Problems

看看善信请了我们佛牌后文字回应:Feedbacks Of Users After Inviting Our Amulets In Wording

看看善信请了我们佛牌后横财就手回应:Unexpected Fortunes Feedbacks After Inviting Our Amulets 

Proper Method Of Use & Katha Would be Taught 
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